Monday, July 26, 2010

My Date With Brook, Sammy, and Some Socs

I went to pick up Brook for our date yesterday at 5. I parked and took a minute to make sure i looked good. Which i did of course :P I was wearing my favorite lucky leather jacket with all its straps hanging down and a T-shirt under it that said " I'm awesomer than you and you know it" and my favorite jeans. I got out out of the car and knocked on the door. I expected Brook to be standing at the door excited with that big smile she always has on her face when she sees me. But i was shocked to see another guy about brooks age there. I put on my tough look that i always do when i meet new people. He looked me over. Finally he said, " What do you want?" "I'm here to see Bro-" Then Brook pushed him outta the way and hugged me. "Austin!" "Hey babe..." I said. Brook musta saw me looking at the guy cause she said alittle bit of disgust, "Austin this is my step brother, Sammy. Sammy this is my boyfriend, Austin." "I didn't know you had a step brother." I said. "Neither did I until yesterday" "Where you guys going?" said Sammy. " Its a secret." i said. "Can i tag along?" i didn't really want him to. "umm Sure." We drove for awhile until i got to a nice clearing in the park in the woods. I set up a picnic and luckily i had enough for Sammy. Me and Brook did our romantic thing talked made out for a bit ate. At one point we had a food fight and i accidentally hit Sammy. He got up tried to hit me but missed and got Brook. It was some fun. After when we getting ourselves cleaned up i talked to Sammy a bit and we seemed to like a lot of the same stuff. He was pretty cool. But he wasn't really greaser material. Apparently he couldn't fight. So i told him I'd teach him since i was gonna help brook fight better too. So we went to a field and started training. "the trick is to keep dodging until you get them where you want em. Ill show you. Keep punching me." He punched. I dodged. Punch, Dodge, punch, dodge, punch dodge. Until he punched and his arm was right next to me i took it and without hurting him, twisted it over his head and put him in a headlock. " Other trick is to not be where your enemy wants you." After alittle more training and some with brook. Dally was a pretty good teacher but he forgot that Brook isn't really strong like a guy.( And he was right, she was punching all wrong) I taught her how to defend herself then get away. They both were getting pretty good. We decided to go to the carnival cause it was still in town. We went on rides and Brook came into the Haunted house with me. Best idea ever cause she held onto me the whole time. :D we had a blast. Then when we were walking back to the car, Socs came. not too many just 7. "What do you want?" i asked them. I could feel Brook standing behind me and grabbing onto my shirt. "We just wanted to see why two greasers and a pretty girl are on our turf." one said. "Well we went to the carnival. And we are leaving." i said calmly. "Not after this" he said. He tried to punch me in the face but i grabbed his arm and flipped him. They started to to attack us and i was pleased to see Brook punch on in the face. Sammy was doing pretty good but we couldn't hold them off forever, so we ran and drove off. I dropped both of them off and i gave Brook a smile as she walked into the house.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Are You Ready to Rumble!?!?!?!

People In this post: (tell me if i missed anyone who commented on my FB status, some ppl i added in to this post anyways cause i needed more ppl)
Carson Cristy Scott Bre Jamie Elena Brook Johnny Two-bit Pony Me

We decided to have a football game at the park's football field, the day before Johnny and Cristy left. I found an old football in my garage we could use. We said be there bout five. I put on a pair of old jeans and a T-shirt. When i got there a little before five, some people were already there. I warmed up with johnny by throwing the ball around. When Jamie and Brook got there i noticed tat they were in their cheer leading uniforms. " How you gonna play in that?" I stupidly asked. Jamie gave me that "you're so stupid" look that she gives me all the time. " We are not playing Tinman. We are cheer leading." she said. " oohhh that makes more sense." Then she ran over to Johnny. "I think you look great in that case." I told Brook. She smiled kiss me on the cheek and ran off to find Jamie. When everyone else arrived we settled the teams and the rules. I wanted it to be tackle but the girls looked at me like i was crazy so it was two hand touch. I still was gonna tackle some guys. The game would last an hour. On my team was Johnny, Carson, and Pony. On Johnny's request we were called the Muffins. The other team had Scott, Two-bit, Cristy, and Elena. Cristy seeing we were the Muffins, insisted that her team be called the Cupcakes. We started the game. Bre said she didn't want to play so she sat on the sidelines and eventually joined Jamie and Brook in their cheers. I could hear Brook and Jamie doing a cheer. Basically I was quarterback, Carson hiked the ball, and Pony and Johnny were receivers. It was a average team. Well after some playing time and many cheers by Brook and Jamie, the score was 21 Cupcakes, 17 Muffins cause of a field goal Pony got. We were all the way on our 30 yard line with only time for 2 plays. It was looking pretty bad. I was covered in mud cause i tackled Scott and we started fighting for fun and we both got penalties so we sat for a couple minutes. We were laughing the whole time. Carson hiked the ball. I caught it but i didn't know who to throw to. Johnny was blocked by Two-bit, Pony by Elena and Carson by Cristy. I couldn't run and i couldn't hold on to it forever, or Scott would tackle me. I saw it there. Johnny skipped a step in his rhythm and got past Two-bit. I chucked it over there. He caught it and started running as fast as he could. He;s fast for a little guy. He made a touch down with a second to spare and he did this like, i guess you can call it a dance, with this song he was singing about muffins? Crazy fella. Final Score. Muffins 24 Cupcakes 21. Brook ran out to me and kissed me. Then we all shook hands and we went to get pizza.

Notice: if you wanna be in my next post put a real comment. I guarantee you will be in it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Job

I had my hood, up my blades, a gun, and my nunchucks hidden in my jacket. I looked back and saw Brook asleep. She had told me everything i needed to know to find those socs. I headed out. I arrived at my destination a while later. i knocked on the front door. An old friend of mine opened it. " Jonah, I need some information. " He smiled and looked at me. " Thought you gave this kinda stuff up?" " Im coming outta retirement for one more time." I came in. We sat down at his kitchen table. I told him everything that Brook said. He gave me the names off all te socs and where they lived. I gave him $20 and left. I had a job to do. Jack, Brandon, Nick and Chris. those were their names. I started with Jack. He wasnt home. I asked a couple of neighbors where he was, they said Frosty Freeze. I went there saw him there with his friends. All of them. Wow this was gonna be too easy. I started toward them. When I got close they stopped talking and stared. " I gotta talk to Jack Brandon Nick and Chris for a moment. Outside with me please." They looked at each other and after a few moments got up and followed me outside into an alley. " Austin Brumley we know its you. You can take the hood off." said Jack. I took it off. " So were you guys the ones who kiddnapped and jumped a pretty little blonde girl the other day?" I asked. " Yea we did. Really hot. I was gonna have my fun with her when we got back to the hideout, but she got away." answered Chris. I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. " That pretty little really hot blonde girl is my girlfriend!" I yelled at him. " Whoa calm down we didnt know!" Nick said. " Too late. I promised her I would kill the socs who did that to her and im gonna do that." I pulled out the gun. I shot him. But i missed my mark and shot him in the leg. " Whoa. We can work this out." said Jack, I thought for a moment. " You know what? Your gonna do me a favor in return for doing this to my girlfried. Im gonna be going away soon in september, but ill be coming back ocasionally. Your gonna make sure my Brook doesnt get a single soc hand laid on her got it?" " Yes sir! We get it clear." " And if I come back and she has a single fingerprint on her. Ill find ya again. And i wont be as merciful. And dont call the cops cause ill tell them about what you did to her. And we dont want that do we?" I walked away.

Stella, Ramps And Pizza

Met Stella today. Hung out alittle. She bet me that i couldnt jump a school bus on my motorcycle. i got up said "your on! Winner buys the other a pizza!" We snuck out to the bus garage and i set up the ramp. I got ready and started off. Lets just say Stella lost and i got a pizza. :D