Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thanksgiving. The day where you get to stuff yourself with good food and watch football with you family. My grandma and grampa came to town :P we love them but.... They can be alittle.... Critical. My mom and grandma finished dinner and grampa me celab Kyle and Andrew watched football. Grampa didn't really get football that much, he aaked Andrew and I quote, "why do good for nothing druggies get paid millions of dollars to throw a brown thingy down a fake field and tackle each other?" Andrew didn't know what to say :P Then grampa was telling us a vietnam war story :P we were falling asleep, Kyle looked like he was dead, zoning and half asleep.  "Dinner!" I shot up. Thank you! Everyone ran over to the table. I was bout to grab a spoon full of stuffing when grandma slaped my hand with a wooden spoon and told us not til after we say grace. So we did all that stuff and then we all dug in. Grandma is the best cook I know. So after we ransacked the table and were all stuffed we were laying around talking bout our lives. Meaning grandma questioning us on everything we had done since we last saw them. Celab was trying to sneak off but grandma caught him and started pounding him with questions. 
This is how it went:
"Have you been drinking?"
"no" lie 
"do you do drugs?"
"never" lie
"do you have a girlfriend?" 
"nope" lie.
And so on.The doorball rang so I went to get it just about when grandma was moving on to Kyle. Of course at the door was Jamie. " What are you doing here,?" 
" You say that like your not happy to see me." 
" Well I am but..... My grandparents are here." 
"they can't be that bad." 
"yes they can and if they see you your gonna be spending the next hour being interogated." 
"I can handle them Austin."
 "fine.  But I warned you" she gave me a kiss then walked inside to the living room where everyone was. Celab jumped up and said  "Jamie! Run while you have the chance!" " She just kinda ignored him. "um everybody who doesn't know this Jamie." I said. We sat together on the couch. "Austin is this your girlfriend?" "Yes grandma." "She's pretty..." she said and Jamie smiled. ".....but kinda short don't you think?"  grandma blurted out. Jamies smiled kinda faded. Here we go. " are you a hooker?"
"And what do you do?"
 "I'm still in high school."
 "tell me bout that" 
"well I get good grades and Im on the dance team." 
"there's a team for that? What America has come to, continue"
Notice everyone was just kinda watching this happen. No one wanted to interupt grandma.
"I'm planning on going to harvard..." 
"good very good." 
"are you cheating on my grandson?" 
"I'm not cheating on him." 
"....... Fine"
"Now that we know each other, what are you doing here?."
"well I wanted to wish the brumleys a happy thanksgiving." 
"is that it? You can leave now." 
" take me with you" I whispered into Jamie's ear.
"uhhh I was also planning to take Austin with me Black Friday shopping.." 
" Oh really? And you agreed to this?" 
I nodded. "What a gentleman. You may go now. Bye Austin." she gave me a grandma hug. "Nice meeting you Jamie."  "I want to go with them!" said Celab. 
"Did you promise your girlfriend to go shopping?  I don't see her. So you can't go." said grandma.  We practically ran out the door. "That wasn't so bad....... Mostly...." 
"I think she liked you. One time Celab brought his girlfriend to our Christmas dinner and she ended yelling at her and followed her with a knife until she was at least a block away. You got off lucky." 
"so what do you wanna do now?" 
It was about 10pm. 
"we are going shopping you owe me for getting you out of there and you promised." she smiled. So until like 3 in the morning Jamie dragged me shopping. It wasn't too much fun but it was better than grandma.....