Friday, August 27, 2010

The Drive There

   So if you don't know, me, Brook, Jamie, and Evie drove to the grand canyon.... It was a looooong drive.... Especially with them in the car with me. So I went over to Jamies house at 5:30 pm since she wanted to take her car. I helped her load her stuff. What was she bringing? Bricks to build a house? I had my duffle bag. We started off and picked up Evie next. Her stuff wasn't that much lighter than Jamies. Lastly we went to Brooks. I answered the door and she said hello with a kiss. I carried her stuff too..... What is with girls' stuff? What do they have that makes it so heavy? We stopped at the store to get some stuff and we started off. Jamie drove. Evie was up front with her and me and Brook in the back.  We made out a bit til Jamie yelled at us. Thanks Jamies -.- so for the next 2 hours we talked and Evie mostly stuck her head out the window. :D it was pretty cool so I tried it but stopped cause it was messing up my hair. Jamie hit 3 garbage bins, 2 mail boxes and a squirrel. We stopped once or twice. I think they were gonna thro me and evie outta the store cause we were fooling around with the produce, while Brook and Jamie waited in the car. This time I drove. I kinda tuned out what they were saying for about an hour. I was at a stop light when I saw these guys. They tried to look tuff and I did too. They started yelling things and I could tell that they wanted to race. I really wanted to. I hesitated. But then I yelled back to everyone,"Hold on!" I looked at those guys and nodded telling them yes. The light turned and we took off. I won :D after Everyone except Evie started yelling me. Whatever. We drove alittle bit. It was really hot and aperently Jamie and evie had a kiddie pool. We used some guys water and filled it up and used it. I got attacked by everyone in the end when they dumped the whole kiddie pool on my head. Soaking I got in the car and drove off with out them they ran after me. After 5 min I circled around and picked them up and laughed. They weren't so happy. The rest of the way I got lectured but I tuned them out after "Austin you can't just...." I was so releived when we got there. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My side of the story

Brook was over and we where watching a movie and we invited Jamie to come over and watch it with us. Her condition? We couldn't make out in front of her. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it cause I thought it was Jamie. I opened it and I was caught off guard by Johnny and pony pelting me with waterballoons. I wouldn't of minded so much if I knew we were having a waterballoon war. "WTF?" you messed up my hair!" "Sorry." Johnny said. I lightly punched pony in the gut but it was a little harder than I thought cause he fell on the ground. "Sorry." I faced Johnny. "he's not so strong for a greaser is he?" I said jokingly. I then saw Jamie walking on the sidewalk. Well not for long cause the next thing I know is he punched me in the nose. He's got some power there for a little fellow. I felt blood start to come down my face. Jamie saw this part of the conversation and didn't seem to happy. I told her that johnny punched me in the nose. She got mad at him and I felt kinda bad. Pony insisted on waiting outside until Johnny came back. We went inside and brook saw me and freaked. "Austin?!? What happened?!?" "Your brother punched me" "What?!?" "Yea he just left." "Why would he punch you?" asked Jamie. "Oh cause I punched Pony in the gut." They didn't like that. "WTF?!" they said at the same time. Brook got off the couch and slapped me. It hurt cause of my nose ingury. "Why in the whole world would you do that?!?" "Cause they pelted me with water balloons." I then got a ten minute lecture on how you can't just go around Punching ppl in the gut and how being pelted by waterballoons is not a good reason to punch pony in the stomach. (which I thought was a very good reason) "I feel terrible! I have to go apologize to Johnny!" said Jamie and she left with pony to go find him. "Why did they pelt me with water balloons anyways?" "I think I know......" "You do? Tell me!" "I never told him that we got back together.... I was planning on telling him today. He was trying to be a good brother." That didn't make me feel too well. "Im gonna go back to my place Austin and wait for him. I'll see you tommarow." "Ok." She kissed me and left.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today is the 5 yr anniversary of my dad's death. Sad after yesterday our grandparents coming over. I got up this morning and started getting dressed. I ate my breakfast early and left out the door. Before I left tho I noticed mom was there looking at the paper. She seemed tense. Like she always did since dad died. It was like looking at someone who wasn't my mom but at the same time was. she hadn't asked to be a dingle parent. She didn't ask to have 4 imature teenage sons. But that's what happened. Brook called she wanted to hang out but I told her I couldn't today and why. She wanted to come with but I told her no and that if I had time I'd come see her. Today i did what I always do on my Dad's death, go to all tge places that still reminded my of him. I first went to his favorite coffe shop since he was crazy about coffe. I looked in the window and could see my dad there at his favorite seat drinking his coffe ( double cream double sugar) and checking out the sport scores on the TVs. I remember how sometimes he'd take me and/or Kyle with him. I got some coffe and left the shop. Next was where my dad worked. It was an office nothing fancy but I liked to go there cause it was always busy. Since no one else in ourfamily liked it, on every take your son to work day I'd go with him. I walked through the doors and went to the secretary's desk. The lady at the desk saw me and frowned. I knew her. She knew my dad. " Oh is that today???" she knew I came here every year. "yea it is" "there's a meeting up there so don't take long ok? Here's your visitors pass" I took it "thanks I won't" "I'm sorry bout your dad" "that's ok" I left and went up the elevator to floor 5. Ibwent to my dads desk and looked at it. There was new stuff on it cause someone was using it but it was the same desk with the same computer with the same phone with the same chair. I sat in it and twirled around a couple times like I did when I came her with my dad. I then heard someone coming and I ran put and headed tward Brooks house. On the way I stopped at the cemetry to visit my dad. It was short I put his favorite candies there and dug his favorite baseball card in the ground next to his grave. Then headed for Brooks. I thought that maybe she could cheer me up alittle. I went over there and she was really happy I raided their fridge while she was telling me bout something I don't remember cause I wasn't really listening. Then I sat on her porch and she sat with me. She put her head on my shoulder and she started to ask questions about my dad. I didn't want to answer them, I didn't want to tell her about the night I found out. I didn't want to tell her about how he loved baseball and sports. I just didn't want to. I was t in the mood. She started to push it so I got up abd left. She looked at me and said, "where you going?" "I'm late" I said as I left. I walked home for dinner. I imagined dad and celab playing catch in the front lawn like they always did before dinner. We ate dinner in silence. This table was the very table that I got the news my dad was dead. I remember that night I was thinking about the take your son to work day the next day. I got up in the middle of that night because of noises I heard in the kitchen. I got up and there was my mother crying like there was no tommarow. I asked her what was wrong and she told me to sit down. That's when she told me that dad had been mugged and killed in the procsess. I ran I ran to the park I ran away for days. Finally I came home. We moved around alittle bit and since I wasn't taking his death well mom sent me to boarding school for a couple years. I got up and left for the park it was sunset and gonna be dark soon. I sat down next to where I used to sit with my dad. We'd look at the stars and make our own constellations and then map them on a sheet of paper (which I still had) and then we'd find them months later. It wasn't weird it was just what we did together. I looked up at the stars and started making out constelations and mapimg them out just like my dad showed me. Eventuly I fell asleep. When I woke up it was nearly morning. I woke up to someone screaming my name. It was brook and celab. "I'd thought you'd be here" celab said. "you thought right" "austin! " brook hugged me. "I thought the socs got you" "no way! I'm Austin remember?" I got up and we walked home.